COVID-19 Information

For people with disabilities, older adults, and others with functional or access needs.

Project REDD provides informational resources about disaster, emergencies, and disabilities to the public. Below are listed websites and other electronic resources relating to COVID-19. To be included in this information list, please describe how your resource addresses the needs of people with disabilities experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic to:

Visit the COVID-19 REDDy Directory to search for disability-related resources and services,

COVID-19 Information for People with Disabilities





This COVID-19 Disability Project is based on previous awards to Dr. Laura M. Stough at Texas A&M University and to Dr. Amy N. Sharp at the University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with other researchers and staff affiliated with Project REDD (Research and Education on Disability and Disaster). Project REDD is hosted and supported, in part, by the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University.

Funding for the development of the REDDy Directory and the ReDiscovery Project was awarded from the following granting agencies: